EIS System Overview
The INPHAZE EIS System is comprised of the following components: Spectrometer Unit, Amplifier Unit, Sample Chambers, Faraday Cage, Control Software and Analyser software.
Dedicated Customer Support
INPHAZE provides comprehensive technical support on sample preparation, instrument setup, measurements, data analysis, interpretation and all the way to publications.
Spectrometer Unit
Features: - Phase Resolution: 0.001O - Magnitude Resolution: 0.002% - Measurement Frequency: 1 milli-Hz ~ 1 Mega-Hz - Small desktop footprint: 342mm(W) x 330mm(D) x 185mm(H) - Back-end of the system: connects to PC via USB - Fully shielded enclosure - Standalone back-end / front-end design allows great flexibility in setup configurations - Self-calibration using the Wizard in Control Software - Calibration parameters are customizable to optimize performance for each application - Designed to be shared by multiple users: the spectrometer hardwares always remain neutral - users load their individual calibration profile appropriate to their application |
Amplifier Unit
Features: - Sample Impedance Range: 10-1 Ohms ~ 1011 Ohms - Front-end of the system: connects to sample electrodes directly or via chambers - Flexible sample connection: "i+" and "i-" terminals pass the signal through sample - "v+" and "v-" terminals sense sample response - Fully shielded enclosure - Mountable into the INPHAZE Faraday Cage (most common configuration) |
Faraday Cage
Features: - Fully shielded environment for samples - Dark space when closed, critical for Solar cell samples - Comfortable working area for samples and chambers - Spill-catch basin design - Circular cavity to securely house all INPHAZE Chambers - Auxillary side ports provide tube entries for illumination lamps or waterbath circulations |
INPHAZE offers a wide range of specialized sample chambers with patented features:
2-Terminal Chamber (2TC)
- Proteins - Antibody interactions - DNA - Electrochemistry Features: - Gold, Platinum or Glassy Carbon electrode surfaces - Disposable 5ml sterile polypropylene sample jar - Electrodes have fixed insertion levels to minimize sample volume - Consistent probing positions - Auxillary ports |
3-Terminal Chamber (3TC)
- Thin films - SAMs - Peptides - Proteins - Lipid bilayers - Electrochemistry Features: - Uniform current distribution across sample surface - Recessed voltage sensing mechanism ensures flow of current is not disturbed - Minimizes bubbles when injecting electrolyte - Uniform spring-loaded sealing with sqaure gasket - Consistent probing positions |
4-Terminal Chamber (4TC)
- Membranes - Polymer films - Membrane fouling at low pressure Features: - Uniform current distribution across sample surface - Recessed voltage sensing mechanism ensures flow of current is not disturbed - Uniform spring-loaded sealing with sqaure gaskets - Consistent probing positions - Multiple auxillary ports |
Neutron-Beam Chamber
- Thin films - Electrochemistry - Simultaneous EIS & neutron reflectometry measurements Features: - Teflon body - Uniform current distribution across sample surface - Recessed voltage sensing mechanism ensures flow of current is not disturbed - Minimizes bubbles when injecting electrolyte - Uniform spring-loaded sealing with sqaure gasket - Consistent probing positions - Auxillary ports |
Particle Chamber
- Particles in suspension - Emulsions - Non-adherent cells Features: - Sensitive 4-Terminal measurement - Optimized geometry for EIS - Chamber tubes fit in centrifuge to pack particles - Particles can also be measured in suspension - Consistent probing positions - 1x Docking station - 2x Chamber tubes |
Cross-Flow Chamber (CFC)
- INPHAZE Fouling Monitor: Real-time monitoring of membrane fouling at high pressures Features: - Sensitive 4-Terminal measurement - Optimized geometry for EIS - Safety cover |
Control Software
Features: - Controls & conducts EIS measurements - User-friendly interface - Machine setting & calibration are stored in each user's profile - Real-time feedback to diagnose setup & measurement problems such as noise, offsets & electrode or connection problems - Signal guidelines are provided in the feedback to visually compare actual signal quality vs ideal - Automatic full-time measurement recording for data backup & measurement playback - Playback at anytime to review the full measurement including all signal waveforms - Data file is Excel-friendly |
Analyser Software
Features: - Open multiple data files - Various plot options such as Z vs f, C vs f, G vs f, Phase vs f ... - View raw or averaged data & change plot colours - Overlay data files to compare - One-button automatic fitting to create a dielectric model that represents the sample sub-structure - Dielectric models are fully customizable & editable - Models include options for frequency depedent elements & constant phase elements - All models including edited ones come with statistical fitness index such as Reduced X-square - Excel-friendly export of model circuits and model plots for publication purposes |